Could this rare yellow flower that grows
in Iceland…
This yellow flower has been used for over 650 years by different civilizations to lower their blood sugar levels, naturally and safely.
We now know it works by activating the body’s Second Insulin System, which researchers have recently discovered.
This yellow flower strengthens ALL insulin-releasing cells in the pancreas, which activates and prompts them to create more insulin naturally.
This is extremely important because there are certain beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin which keeps your blood sugar stable.
But when these beta cells become worn out and fried, your body stops processing sugar properly.
Which means:
People like Sheila McNamara, who said:
“Honestly, I didn’t think this natural remedy would be strong enough to lower my blood sugar much, but it did. It got my blood sugar under 100, very fast and easily.” †
- Sheila McNamara
Then there’s Frank Belini Sr. who thought this was too good to be true, but after 3 months of trying it, this is what he revealed:
“After taking this, my doctor says my
blood sugar level is now in the normal and healthy range! I don’t have Type 2 diabetes anymore!”†
- Frank Belini Sr.
And here’s what Norm Takinski had to say:
“With my lack of exercise and how much junk food I ate, I never thought I’d be fit.
But I’m down 51 pounds with this Icelandic Remedy!”†
- Norm Takinski
In the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how you can use this yellow flower to SAVE YOUR LIFE.
But first, let me formally introduce myself.
I spent all of my life climbing up the corporate ladder.
All I cared about was work and that led me to develop very poor lifestyle habits.
And repeat this every week.
I was constantly tired despite sleeping seven hours a night, I never felt as if I had a full night’s sleep.
I was extremely overweight. I used to be a fit guy, but my belly was always hanging over my jeans, and I had to wear XXXL shirts.
I was walking around like a lifeless zombie every day.
My wife Claire, would always ask…
“Curtis, when are you going to see a doctor?!”
I would just shrug my shoulders, and forget about it minutes later.
Well, that soon came back to haunt me...
I suffered from that heart attack I told you about and it was truly the lowest point of my entire life.
I only had myself to blame for not getting my blood sugar checked, and for not managing it…
And Claire knew that…
She is the most caring woman in the world—all she wanted was for me to get proper check-ups to make sure I was healthy.
But I had thrown her kindness and love straight back in her face.
We had to pay $26,847.63, after our health insurance payout.
That meant saying goodbye to getting a brand-new family car which we both couldn’t stop talking about…
And it took a huge chunk out of our kids' college funds and our retirement savings too …
I was also suspended from work—without pay—until I “fully recovered”, so I didn’t know where my next paycheck was coming from.
It would be just a matter of time before someone fulfilled my role, and I’d be hung
out to dry…
I’d spent the majority of my life, and sacrificed my HEALTH, to get to where I was at work just to lose it all because I had been stubborn.
My heart attack and everything bad that happened afterwards could have been prevented.
If I had known about this secret earlier, it would have prevented my near-fatal heart attack.
In a moment, I will reveal this life-changing discovery that completely lowered my high blood sugar level, and show you how to turn on your Second Insulin System for pennies—using only 30 seconds a day.
But first, let me share what I’ve learned about blood sugar. You see…
Heart attacks happen when an artery that provides blood to the heart becomes blocked or clogged.
Meaning, less blood is able to flow through them.
This can be just as dangerous as having plaque in your arteries.
Also, excessive blood sugar can damage your blood vessels and the nerves that control your heart.
When these blood vessels and nerves become damaged, your chances of having a stroke increase.
People with high blood sugar have an increased risk of leg amputation. The reason for this is reduced blood flow—any wounds you develop may not heal at all.
As a result, your body tissue can become damaged, and an infection can develop and spread to your bones.
Once this happens, amputation is often the only option to prevent more damage.
The National Diabetes Statistics Report showed that 108,000 adults had lower-extremity amputations relating to diabetes in just one year alone.
Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention** found that erratic blood sugar is the primary cause of blindness in adults, when it’s left untreated?
This happens because excessive blood sugar causes the blood vessels in the retina to become damaged over time.
Your damaged blood vessels will then swell and “leak”, which stops blood flow.
Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels that supply blood to the nerves in your body.
This stops essential nutrients from reaching your nerves, resulting in a numb feeling or a loss of sensation in your hands—which stops you from being able to complete the simplest of tasks.
Excessive blood sugar also causes damage to the blood vessels in your kidneys, when it’s left untreated.
This prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching your kidneys, and causes
waste and harmful fluids to build up in your body—which leads to infection,
and even death .
I learned all of this during my month-long stay at the hospital after my heart attack.
Before I was discharged from the hospital, I had a meeting with the chief doctor of Endocrinology, a medical department that also specializes in blood sugar.
I listened intently to him, as I was ready to make some big changes.
There were two main things the doctor wanted me to do…
He wanted me to cut out carbs, sugar and unhealthy fats from my diet…
And he wanted me to work out 5 times per week—ideally, do 30 minutes of brisk-walking a day!
Now, this might not sound like much, but I got winded walking up a flight of stairs.
My knees were bad and I had not been active in decades.
The doctor saw the look on my face and said:
“Curtis, this is the most important thing you’re ever going to do in your life. You have Type 2 diabetes.
If you don’t stick to this, your blood sugar will stay HIGH, and you could easily suffer from another heart attack while it is at this level. Please, take this seriously…”
Talk about a challenge!
The following day was the start of my journey to living a long and healthy life:
I later found out from that protein can turn into blood sugar through a process known as gluconeogenesis. So unless you activate your Second Insulin System, eating more protein may not do you much good, either.
I also cut out alcohol completely, as per the doctor’s instructions. To be honest, I was certain I wouldn’t be able to stick to it...
It completely took the enjoyment and spontaneity out of my life.
But, to my surprise and Claire’s, I stuck to it for eight months!
I was so proud of myself. Every morning, I would wake up and either walk 3 miles or go swimming! Sometimes, I’d even jog a slow mile.
That was very challenging because I was already in my 50s! And it was incredibly tough on my knees, and my body as a whole.
I kept going but though I did everything I was told to do…
The doc would just say my blood sugar level was so elevated that it might take longer to drop, and to see what it would be again the next month.
But we were all concerned at that point so the doc decided to prescribe Metformin to me!
I started taking this prescription drug twice a day, in an attempt to lower my high blood sugar level.
When I visited the doctor again, I was told the exact same thing as before: My blood sugar level had barely budged and it was elevated, as always!
I really thought all my hard work was going to mean the end of my blood sugar nightmare, my Type 2 diabetes and not having to live in constant fear of having another heart attack.
I had lost some weight, but my blood sugar level hardly dropped.
In fact, it was still considered VERY HIGH.
After so much hard work and sacrifice to not get anywhere, I just gave up…
When Claire and I arrived home from yet another doctor's visit, I simply cried my eyes out…
I told her that there was no way my blood sugar level was going to drop.
I said to Claire:
“My blood sugar level is still not dropping, so I could quite easily suffer from ANOTHER heart attack—except this time, there’s a good chance I won’t make it…and even if I do make it, who knows whether I’ll have my legs or not.”
She told me not to think like that, but I could tell from her voice she thought the same as me.
Feeling very sorry for myself, I was convinced there was no way to fix the situation.
Claire and I decided, then and there, it was time to experience the things in life that we had always dreamed of.
The stuff we’d yearned to do and spoken about since we met each other.
We decided to book a flight to Iceland to see the Northern Lights at Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon in Iceland!
A few days into our travels, we booked a group hiking tour with a local man leading the walk. The group comprised myself, Claire, three other Americans who were friends, and four other older Icelandic locals, including the tour guide.
At first, I was skeptical about whether we had the right tour guide leading the challenging hike because this man was no spring chicken.
But he led us on steadily. Halfway through the hike, we arrived at a viewpoint.
We had a short break to refuel and took some time to rest, as we had all worked very hard to get there.
And though we were all mesmerized by the drop-dead gorgeous views that looked like they’d come out of a movie…
Claire and I, as well as the three other Americans who were probably the same age
as us…
We had suffered a number of cramps on the way up to that viewpoint, and were struggling to catch our breath…
As soon as I stopped panting, I noticed our tour guide standing next to me, barely breaking a sweat whilst waiting for all of us to recover so we could carry on.
You see… Our tour guide, whose name was Gunnar, was also 67 years old!
I said to him:
“Wow, you are really in great shape. I wish I was fit enough to keep up with you!”
Gunnar looked at me in surprise.
I told him about my health struggles, the heart attack and my high blood sugar.
He replied:
“HARDLY ANYONE here in Iceland suffers from Type 2 diabetes or high blood sugar, regardless of how old we are. In fact, Iceland is ranked as the third healthiest country in the world…”
I was astounded. So I asked him what their secret was…
He jokingly said it was their “Viking blood”!
“The thing is, Curtis, our
diet is filled with certain natural foods and herbs that have been proven to control blood sugar.
But these nutrients have been kept hidden from the public because our country is so small…that’s what my doctor told me.
And in Iceland, all our healthcare is paid for. Our doctors do not make more money by doing surgeries, prescribing drugs and having more office visits.
In fact, our doctors get paid more, if their patients feel better and do NOT need prescription drugs, surgery or more office visits.”
After our chat, we carried on with the hike, but all I could think about was…
What Gunnar said made sense as I could see it with my own eyes...
Not only was he ahead of us, but so were the other older Icelanders. Two of them were women as well.
And it got me thinking, maybe I could eat what Gunnar was eating… what the other Icelandic folks were eating.
Maybe then I could lower my blood sugar, reverse my Type 2 diabetes, and FINALLY stop worrying about my heart.
All of a sudden, I found my second wind—I had never been so excited in years.
After the hike, we all celebrated with some beer at one of the local inns.
Gunnar and I spoke again and he asked me how long I was staying in Iceland.
That was when my life changed…
Gunnar kindly spoke with Dr. Magnusson the next day on the phone, and managed to book a one-hour consultation for me!
I met with Dr. Magnusson a few days later. He was a very pleasant and knowledgeable man…
I told him my story, and he said I was fortunate to be there.
He confidently declared he was the best person in the world for me to see…
Looking back, he was right!
Dr. Magnusson told me that on the rare occasion an Icelander visited him with Type 2 diabetes or excessive sugar in their bloodstream, that person usually never needed to see him again, once they listened to his advice.
“We eat certain rare foods and herbs here. They are the most nutritious on Earth, and are rich with natural nutrients. These help us keep our blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol in check.
Basically, they keep our body functioning as it
should—and for a longer time, compared to other people in the world.
But we also enjoy tons of carbs, sweets and desserts, and it's something else that is our real secret.”
This is even documented on the Cleveland Clinic** website which states that the Icelandic diet reduces the risk of high blood sugar .
He continued:
“Curtis, these super nutrients made by Mother Nature are proven to lower your blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, they are being kept hidden by the mainstream media.
All you have to do is consistently include them in your diet, and consume them with whatever else you like to eat. You don’t have to cut out carbs or sugar, or commit to walking 5 miles a day—that is absurd.
If you’re fueling your body every day with blood sugar-controlling nutrients, you too will be able to live a long and healthy life, like us Icelanders.”
I was eager to know the nutrients I needed to provide my body with, so that I could move on with my life…
And most importantly, I didn’t want to suffer from a heart attack, or face any of the other dangers associated with high blood sugar.
“Curtis, I first need to give you a very quick overview of what you MUST know about high blood sugar.
Insulin is a great thing; every person’s body produces insulin but when your blood sugar level is elevated, it means your body isn’t making enough insulin.
Your pancreas is not pumping out enough insulin…
However, we’ve discovered through research that…
And our special Icelandic herbs and foods will activate this Second Insulin System in your body.
These nutrients will prompt your body to release more insulin, naturally… Thereby helping your blood sugar level to drop back into the normal and healthy range.
Do you understand that?
I nodded to show I did, so Dr. Magnusson went on:
Think back… you probably remember a time in your life when your body was operating like a well-oiled machine.
That was when your pancreas was producing enough insulin to allow your body to function properly.
You are alert.
You have all the
energy in the world.
Your weight is
under control.
The chance of you experiencing a devastating health problem like a heart attack or a stroke is next to none.
That’s all because your blood sugar level is under control. When your body is producing sufficient amounts of insulin…
The thing is, these ‘superpowers’ never last forever.
Aging is something none of us can escape. Over time, your pancreas just can’t keep up like it used to.
A similar thing is happening inside your body right now. There’s SO much excess sugar in your bloodstream that it doesn’t have anywhere to go.
There’s simply way too much. The reason for this is…
As years pass, your pancreas naturally starts to slow down… It becomes overwhelmed from years and years of ingested carbohydrates…
Something that even the most disciplined people can’t avoid in their diet.
And just like how your physical activity decreases as you get older…
Your pancreas slows down with age.
What you have is called…
Your pancreas is the organ in your body that makes insulin.
It is not creating enough insulin for you now and you absolutely need to correct this as soon as possible...
Because your body can only hold out for so long.
You’re TWICE as likely to have heart disease or a strokes when you have high blood sugar .
That’s frightening, isn’t it?
It’s like you are playing a game of Russian Roulette—every single day.
Your pancreas beta cells are “fried”—burned out
—so even if you eat like a dietician and exercise
like an athlete, you are still going to have blood
sugar problems.”
I was stunned by all this information.
The good thing is, Dr. M shared with me the specific nutrients eaten by Icelanders that activate our hidden Second Insulin System...
So that folks can finally escape blood sugar hell to enjoy a long and healthy life.
When you know what’s causing your erratic blood sugar levels…
And how VITAL it is to get your pancreas to produce more natural insulin…
You can live to a good old age.
And there’s an easy way to do this—without breaking a sweat or giving up carbs, sugar and an ice-cold beer.
Researchers from the University Of Texas Health Science Center** at San Antonio recently discovered a way for your pancreatic cells to produce more insulin, regardless of how fatigued the pancreas is…
These hidden cells can be naturally-stimulated by the correct nutrients to ensure that they produce more insulin.
It’s like having a Second Insulin System.
There are 3 nutrients that stimulate the production of natural insulin. They are backed by scientific studies and they are the same ones eaten in Iceland.
If you want to take control of your blood sugar, reverse Type 2 diabetes, and even lose an extra 20 or 30 pounds…
Here are the 3 best nutrients that have been proven to regulate blood sugar levels by helping the pancreas to produce more natural insulin:
The first is a yellow flowering plant…
The yarrow flower is a natural herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.
Yarrow flowers strengthen ALL insulin-discharging cells in the pancreas.
This in turn prevents inflammation from occurring, and as a result, allows the cells to increase insulin production.
This process is very important if you want to increase the amount of insulin your body creates.
The second nutrient you should be taking daily is called Bitter Melon.
Found in the Caribbean and Western Africa, this vegetable has been used for centuries by people living in the tropics.
This tropical wonder vegetable contains a blood sugar-controlling compound called polypeptide-p.
This plant-based compound works by mimicking the action of the insulin that’s already in your body…
It’s like having a back-up army of natural insulin at your disposal, at all times.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 40 people with high blood sugar levels took bitter melon daily. The result?
It led to a massive reduction in blood sugar levels in only 4 weeks.
Native to the tropical forests of India and Australia, the gymnema sylvestre plant has been used in ancient Indian medicine for thousands of years.
Thanks to its effectiveness, the term “Destroyer of Sugar” was coined by scientists to describe this natural ingredient.
Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract helps to increase insulin production in your pancreas.
They also discovered that when consumed, this plant directly stimulates all the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas...
Resulting in significant reductions in blood sugar levels.
When you combine these 3 life-changing ingredients and incorporate them into your daily life…
“I really hope I will live long enough to see
my kids graduate from college, get married
and start a family…”
Not only that...
Your body will no longer be susceptible to long-term and irreversible damage.
You won’t have to worry about your blood sugar level or Type 2 diabetes ever again.
Can you picture all this?
I lost 10 pounds, even though I wasn’t walking every day, and whilst I continued to enjoy an ice-cold Coors Light every night.
I kept taking them for 6 months and they put my Type 2 diabetes completely into remission.
Eventually, I was down 63 pounds and I had to buy a whole new wardrobe because I hadn’t been thin for so many years.
Now, the good news is, you can get these nutrients too. In fact…
Glucose Shield™ is a completely natural formula with ingredients that have been proven by scientific studies to lower your blood sugar level, and put Type 2 diabetes
into remission.
I’ve been taking Glucose Shield™ since my trip to Iceland, and it’s completely changed my life.
I also like this supplement because it's manufactured right here in the United States
by a renowned natural health company,
Simple Promise.
This means that the production of Glucose Shield™ is highly regulated, and every single capsule undergoes strict quality control and a thorough inspection process.
This ensures that each bottle of Glucose Shield™ contains the purest ingredients for optimum results.
Now, you can easily take a nifty capsule which combines 3 of the absolute best natural ingredients that not only regulate blood sugar levels, but also have actual proven studies behind their effectiveness.
You too will live a long and healthy life like Icelanders.
Tammy Nicholson attested:
“My A1C level dropped from 9.4 to 6.8, after only a few months of taking this supplement! My doctor doesn’t understand natural supplements, but he said to keep doing whatever I was doing. Bless you for this!” †
- Tammy Nicholson
Richard Hassan shared:
“I was not going to order this because I tried other remedies that didn’t work. But Glucose Shield™ does work! I now have so much more energy that everyone is complimenting me…plus, I’ve lost 23 pounds!”†
- Richard Hassan
And Mrs. Charlotte Tiebaum told us:
“My husband and I both have high blood sugar. We were worried about getting a stroke or a heart attack. Rather than drugs, we tried Glucose Shield™, and it has lowered our blood sugar levels, which are now in the normal and healthy range. We will never stop taking this!”†
- Charlotte Tiebaum
We also received positive feedback such as:
“My doctor told me my blood sugar was high and I might be pre-diabetic, so I put myself on a better diet with less sugar and more vegetables. I also ordered this product and have been taking it for a week. My blood sugar results from the doctor while fasting was 106. I took my blood reading today and it was 83. I will continue to purchase this product to keep my blood sugar in check.”†
- Ava Mason
“Type 2 diabetes runs in my family and when I got pregnant with my twins, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. After having my twins, I noticed I was getting dizzy, lightheaded and feeling extremely fatigued after eating sugar or sodium. My mom told me those were symptoms of pre-diabetes and she gave me this supplement. It literally took all those symptoms away! I am so grateful for this because I feel great, and am back to my old self!”†
- Eleanor Grant
“I got this product to help with my A1C level and it did just that —I went from 7.4 to 6.5 since I started taking it a month ago. It also helped with my blood pressure which was high, but is now in the normal range.”†
- Jude Ellis
“I've tried numerous supplements over the past several years, searching for one that actually does help me maintain healthy glucose levels while living with Type 2 diabetes. I follow a strict diet most of the time, and exercise regularly. Without any traditional medications, this has truly given me the ‘helping hand’ I need. I've been taking it for several months now, and can honestly say: It works. You should try it.”†
- Taryn Owen
“This product is amazing…My A1C was 7.7 in September. Three months later, my A1C was down to 6.4. Today, my blood sugar is normal and I’m eating pretty much what I want. Even after a high-carb meal, my blood sugar is in the 125 range. Totally recommend this product.”†
- Zoe Graham
I started taking it for just 30 days. And you can too.
The reason is that the nutrients in this supplement keep building up in your bloodstream and work better, over an extended period of time.
Even though Glucose Shield™ starts working for you on Day 1, your insulin-producing cells will become stronger, the longer you take it…
Think of it like this:
Each time you take a Glucose Shield™
capsule, you are gradually increasing your insulin production which will then lower your blood sugar.
Now, if you want to have healthy blood sugar levels, you must act quickly to take advantage of this special opportunity I’m about to share with you…
It is NOT sold in any store, on Amazon or via other websites.
Glucose Shield™ sells out fast, and there are only limited supplies available…
And this isn’t some marketing tactic…
The truth is, on top of the strict manufacturing process and stringent quality control that every single Glucose Shield™ capsule goes through…
Happy customers are rapidly spreading the word about this blood sugar-lowering supplement, and it is becoming very popular.
This is making it hard for Simple Promise to keep Glucose Shield™ in stock.
Loyal Glucose Shield™ customers are well aware of this, and end up ordering 3–6 months’ worth of supplies to ensure they always have enough to maintain their healthy blood sugar levels.
As you can imagine, this also depletes available stock, and causes Glucose Shield™ to sell out very quickly.
But here’s the thing, I really don’t want you to continue living a life of misery.
I’ve been there… Having high blood sugar almost completely ruined me, and it even nearly ended my life.
I don’t want you to suffer any longer, especially now that there is a solution and you can live the life you have always dreamed of...
Without needing to exercise daily to lose weight or spend a fortune on medication, only to see dismal results.
In a moment, I’m going to show how you can save a lot of money on Glucose Shield™ today… Simply because you are here on this website right now!
If something like this existed when I was suffering all those years ago, I would've paid ten times the amount because I would have been able to live how I’m living today.
After my heart attack, I realized how I’d completely neglected my health in favor of my career and making money…
Since then, my whole view on life has changed…
I want to help as many people as physically possible to live a healthy life…
It’s why I’m sharing this awesome deal with you right now:
If you order today, you can get yourself a month's supply of Glucose Shield™…
That’s more than 50% off the standard price and equivalent to a bit more than $1.50 a day!
As I mentioned earlier, it’s very common for people to buy 3 or 6 months’ worth of Glucose Shield™…
And because of this, Simple Promise also decided to create a multi-bottle discount plan which means you can stock up on a 6-month supply of Glucose Shield™ without breaking the bank…
And save EVEN more money!
And you won’t even have to worry about Glucose Shield™ running out of stock:
As this is part of Simple Promise’s new “Saving Lives” Campaign, the company has made sure there is enough stock for today.
ALL US shipping and handling costs will be completely FREE as well, when you place an order…
So you’ll be saving an additional $12.95.
What’s more, you’ll find that 6 months of taking Glucose Shield™ will drastically lower your blood sugar level…
And you’ll be so slim and healthy that you’ll be unrecognizable to your family, friends and colleagues!
Like I said, I really want to help as many people as possible to overcome this potentially fatal health problem—in the most efficient and natural way possible.
The first bonus is called:
If you are struggling with high blood sugar, I’m sure you’ve tried to watch what you eat.
But did you know some “healthy foods” can spike your blood sugar more quickly than a candy bar?
This guide will reveal 20 of the worst “healthy foods” on the market today.
It will also expose the #1 most dangerous fruit you should avoid at all costs, if you have blood sugar issues.
As for the second bonus, it’s called:
Look… just because you have high blood sugar doesn’t mean you have to remove all the joy from your life.
In fact, you can STILL enjoy sweet treats. This guide contains 24 HEALTHY dessert recipes.
These desserts won’t mess up your blood sugar or expand your waistline.
(My favorite is the ice cream sandwich!)
And last but not least, the final bonus is called:
We’ve been taught doctors have all the answers.
We tend to forget they are human too—they don't know everything!
And the shocking truth is, most doctors will tell their patients that diabetes is not something that can
be fixed.
However, I know better.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
In this guide, you will find 3 daily practices to outsmart diabetes. Each of them requires less than 10 minutes.
Adopting these practices while taking Glucose Shield™ will help you regain control of your health in no time.
All 3 guides are worth over $99.
Today, Simple Promise is giving them to you completely free, with your purchase of 3 or 6 bottles of Glucose Shield™.
These quick and simple tricks will help you control your blood sugar, even before you receive your first order of Glucose Shield™. (You’ll receive the bonuses directly in your inbox after your purchase.)
If you or someone you love is diabetic or pre-diabetic, these guides could be life‑changing.
The only reason I’m throwing these bonuses in for free with the 3- and 6-bottle packages is to match your commitment.
After choosing your package, you will be taken to a 100% secure and fully-encrypted checkout page.
Simple Promise has worked with leading cyber security providers to ensure the safety and security of your credit card information.
This is the same technology leading companies like Amazon, Walmart and some of the biggest banks in the world use.
Once you have entered your credit card details, your Glucose Shield™ capsules will be carefully inspected by a quality control team before being shipped to your doorstep. They will arrive within 5 to 7 business days.
This is the smartest investment you will ever make for your health.
You can finally say goodbye to blood sugar issues and all of the problems that it brings, including:
By taking Glucose Shield™, you will be increasing your insulin-producing cells day by day—so you can finally have healthy blood sugar levels.
We have SO much confidence in the effectiveness of Glucose Shield™ that they are willing to bear ALL of the purchase risk.
Their industry-best 365-day money-back guarantee states that either you’re 100% satisfied, or you will get a full refund.
You can place your order knowing that nothing at all can go wrong.
In the worst-case scenario, you give Glucose Shield™ a go and don’t see any results, which is very RARE and almost unheard-of…
All you have to do is email their US-based 24/7 customer support team, and they will send a full refund to you.
In the best-case scenario, you start taking Glucose Shield™ and live the life you have always dreamed of—without having to compromise on ANYTHING.
It’s impossible for you to lose.
The reason for this big guarantee is because we're confident you will fall in love with our product and start reaping the rewards of having healthy blood sugar levels.
REMEMBER: This amazing offer on Glucose Shield™ is only available to you on this website for the rest of the day or until it inevitably runs out of stock.
After that, the special offers will be removed—and you’ll have to pay the standard price.
The company simply won’t be able to handle the demand if the offers remain any longer than one day.
Together with Glucose Shield™, these bonuses will accelerate your results: You’ll lose weight faster, and you’ll get your blood sugar under control more quickly.
What’s more, you’ll be able to enjoy a sweet treat every day, if you want.
Who said you can’t have your cake and eat it too?
Say goodbye to Fatigued Pancreas Syndrome for good and say hello to living a long and healthy life in complete peace of mind.
You can ignore all of the proof and studies mentioned throughout this presentation...
That’s not a life at all.
Especially when I have already shared how Glucose Shield™ has changed my life, and the lives of numerous happy customers who have turned from being skeptics to becoming our most loyal fans.
You finally take control of your life AND risk NOTHING at all today.
Secure your supply of Glucose Shield™ straight away, and experience for yourself just how amazing it is to lead a healthy life with normal blood sugar levels…
And it can change yours too.
I can’t wait to hear about your happiness and success.
Glucose Shield™ is for anyone who wants to have healthy blood sugar levels in a natural way, regardless of:
This is the first-ever product specially formulated to overcome Fatigued Pancreas Syndrome and turn on your hidden Second Insulin System using natural means, to ensure that your blood sugar drops to a healthy level.
It contains pure and natural ingredients proven to lower blood sugar, so that you can live a long and healthy life.
Glucose Shield™ is the only product out there that combines 3 of the most beneficial natural ingredients proven by scientific studies to lower your blood sugar level.
These ingredients increase the amount of insulin inside your body—regardless of how old you are, what your body fat percentage is, and how high your blood sugar level currently is.
They will allow you to reap the rewards of having healthy blood sugar levels, WITHOUT having to make any changes to your day-to-day life.
No. Simple Promise is in full control of the entire supply-chain process.
This means that every bottle of Glucose Shield™ that gets sent out undergoes strict quality control and a thorough inspection process.
This ensures that each bottle contains the purest ingredients for optimum results.
There may be knock-off versions of Glucose Shield™ being sold elsewhere.
You should refrain from making transactions with non-authorized sellers as the authenticity of their products cannot be verified.
Remember: This is the official website, and it’s only here that you can purchase a genuine supply of Glucose Shield™.
The good news is…
You don’t risk anything by ordering your supply of Glucose Shield™ because you are fully protected by the 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee offered by Simple Promise.
On the very rare occasion when somebody is unhappy with their Glucose Shield™ experience and wants a refund, they can contact the Simple Promise 24/7 expert customer service team based here in the US, and they will be refunded in full.
No questions asked...
We appreciate you trying us out.
There’s absolutely no risk for you in giving Glucose Shield™ a shot!
At most, you try it and receive a full refund if you aren’t happy.
So click now and join myself and thousands of others, and finally end your blood sugar issue once and for all.
The only way to find out is to claim your desired package now by clicking on one of the three buttons, and completing your secure order.
Just give it a try...
Isn’t it better to find out now, rather than wonder "what if…?" for the rest of your life?
Your body and your health are all you really have and let’s face it.
Life is short.
There are not many things you can buy at this low cost that will do so much for you.
You may even have to change your entire wardrobe and buy new clothes in a smaller size, like I did.
For some, this might take a day or two.
For others, it might take a week.
However, one day it WILL happen.
I call it…
When you’re not fighting an invisible enemy that keeps blocking your freedom and happiness.
And you know you can do whatever you want…
So you can be there for the people who mean the most in your life:
Your children…your grandchildren…your spouse…your friends.
Because a big part of you that was held hostage by blood sugar is now free to experience the energy, freedom and happiness you deserve…
Claim your bottles of Glucose Shield™ now, while this limited-time discount is available and while there’s still stock…
And decide within the next 365 days if it’s for you.
If it’s not… you’ll get a fast and full refund.
But chances are, you’re going to love your experience with Glucose Shield™.
So don’t wait any longer…
Select the number of bottles you’d like and click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.
I wish you all the best and I can’t wait to hear about your experience.
The toll-free number is 1-800-259-9522, and they’re available 24/7. Seriously.
And don’t worry. You won’t have to talk to a robot or any automated machine…
There will be real, live humans answering phones to help you.
So if you’re ready to start taking control of your health just take the leap… click the button below, and take action right now.
You have nothing to risk…nothing to lose and a vibrant, worry-free life waiting for you.
So, take advantage of the massive up-to-66% discount available only on THIS page.
Select the number of bottles you’d like…
Whether it’s the 6-bottle option…the 3-bottle option…or whichever option works best for you…
And click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.
I’d like to thank you again for your time.
I look forward to hearing about how much you’re enjoying your new-found health.